サッカーマガジン 1970年4月号 |

New Heads for the National Team
The Japanese Football Association has appointed Mr, Shuniciro Okano as Manager in change of the National ‘A’ team, which will take part,this year, in the friendly series with Flamengo of Brazil and I.F.K. of Goteborg, Sweden, to be held in Tokyo and Kobe between March 8th and 21st. Another appointment is that of Mr. ShigeoYaegashi to assist Mr.Okano as Coach. This means that a new combination of Okano and Yaegashi will lead the Nationa side in the 1972 Olympics in Munich.
Mr. Okan, who is 38 years of age, he had previously been National Coach and Assistant to Mr. Ken Naganuma since 1962. He is a shrewd strategist as well as being famous as a T.V. commentator. Mr. Yaegashi is 36 years old and was Captain of the Japanese Olympic squad in Tokyo and Mexico in 1964 and 1968 respectively. Mr.Naganuma keeps his his position as Chairman of the Technical Development Committee and will concentrate on the new system of granting coahing licences in Japan.
100th Issue of J. F. A's Football Magazine
The official magazine of the Japanese Football Association, ‘The Soccer’, commemorated its 100th publication with a special cover in January this year. The Association's magazin had been published since1931 under the title of ‘Syuu-kyuu’, the Japanese name for football, but had difficulty keeping up a regular publicication.
It was re-published under the name of 'The Soccer' in 1959, after a gap of several years. ‘The Soccer' is now releasing an 80 page issue monthly, edited by Mr. Mitsuo Kutsuwada and Mr. Sokichiro Ushiki. It contains a record of the Association's work, reports on the Championship matches and gives a Japanese translation of the news from F.I.F.A |
Programme for the 1970 - 1971 Season
The J.F.A. recently announced its prog-ramme for the 1970-71 season. The Southampton Football Club of England will tour major Japanese cities from May 24th to June 9th, and later, from September 6th to16th, the famous Portuguese club, Benfica of Lisbon, will appear in Tokyo. Additionally, a United States High School Boys team, the Texas City Lorghorns, will play a series of matches against Japanese Youth teams in August, and in the same month,the Japanese National ‘A’ team will compete in the Merdeka tournament, before travelling to Bangkok for the sixth Asian Games in December. They are eager to capture Asian titles with their newly-promoted talent. Also, the Japanese National Junior side will make a European tour this summer, the first step in preparation for the coming Olympics.
As far as its domestic schedule is concerned, the League season will open in April and the Emperor's Cup final will be played on New Year's Day as usual. The most important of the Association's plans is the foundation of the Japanese Football Association's Coaching School, where the J.F.A coaching licences will be granted.・ Encouraged by the success of the first F.I.F.A. school for Asian coaches, which was held in Japan last summer. the Japanese Association decided to hold a similar course for Japareese coaches. The first half of the course will be held in August for a period of one month, while the second half will take place in March of next year. Afterthe two months of practice, lectures and examinations, successful candidates will be awarded class ‘B’ licences. |
